Water is essential to life, not only to the human race, but also to plants, animals, and other creatures. We use it for different purposes, to clean, cook, bathe, etc. It is essential to the full enjoyment of the right to life, and other Human Rights. In 2010, the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution, recognizing water as a basic human right under Aticles 11 and 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
In Cameroon, precisely the Adamawa Region, a majority of the inhabitants lack access to potable water. They mostly drink water from streams and springs, which is not clean and safe, and during the dry season, most of the streams dry up. Very few people can afford sufficient potable water. This has a devastating effect on the health and prosperity of these people.
Apart from what the government has provided as safe water, NGO's have contributed alot to make the people of this part of Cameroon enjoy their right to clean and affordable water. Breaking Ground partnered with Memorial Flavia to provide a water pump in Beka Hossere, our partner community, in the Adamawa Region, which will enable the inhabitants to have access to potable water. We are almost done with this pump, that will supply potable water to about 3500 inhabitants, thereby, reducing the spread of water borne diseases in the area, and helping to achieve sustainable development.
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